December 20
The hours here are a blur. I fell into a light sleep at one point, curled around my carry on items, leaning against the vending machine. People came and went. The floor was very cold. My snazzy jacket is dirty. My phone decided to die on me and i haz no charger. I also have no pocket change it seems. And when i tried to call my home phone collect, that service is not available. Thankfully my laptop works and i had managed to haunt various electrical outlets. I also ate dinner somewhere in there.
Am tired. Want to go home. Want to inflict considerable damage on fellow whiney passengers.
Announcement! Plane was diverted from Texas and sent to us! The peasants rejoiced.
Plane is circling over Rhode Island, waiting to land.
December 21st
Plane still waiting to land. Natives are getting restless.
Plane diverted to Connecticut. FAIL! Flight Cancelled.
I have been at the airport for 13.5 hours.
Eyes welled.
Rebooked a flight to Orlando at 6:50AM. Trains for home have stopped running. Cab ride will cost a ridiculous amount to get back to Somerville and then get another cab back at 5 in the morning.
Call Momma, let her know whats gone down.
Search for a place to sleep. Notice a large group of Puerto Ricans waiting for a 3:00AM flight to Richmond. Set up camp with them so as to not get kicked out of the terminal by security. Posing as random cousin is easy and a tactic used before. The family does not notice. One of them passes me the box of crackers they are sharing.
Eat crackers with Familia Perez. Play online. Update blog with DRAMATIC TALE OF WOE.
Say goodbye to surrogate familia. Go Downstairs.
Present Time
Lay underneath escalator. Think you are one of "the people under the stairs. The one they call Roach." Laugh quietly to self. Ignore people who look over at you as they walk past.
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