Meet us at Filene's Basement she said. Just take the redline and get off at downtown crossing and you can't miss it she said. Just follow the signs till you get to us she said.
So i got on the redline. I made it to downtown crossing. I emerged from the subway into the sunlight and looked around.
There were no signs that said Filene's Basement anywhere. If you know me, you know how much i hate asking for directions. If you know me, you know that i get lost even if i have lived in a place for over 10 years. If you know me, you know that i'm distracted quite easily and usually by something shiny.
And if you don't know me by noooooow. You will never never never knoooow meeeeee.
So i went for a walk and somehow ended up in the theater district and china town. The Opera House was impressive and i stood there staring up at it in the middle of the street like a tourist. Until the screech of tires and the honking of horns clued me in to watch out just as the taxi ran me over. Okay so that part didn't happen. But the Opera House is very pretty.
I kept walking until i noticed more and more people with shopping bags. I noticed one man with a bag that said Filene's and began to tail him. I kept perhaps a car length behind him for at least 3 blocks before he noticed he was being shadowed. Every time he would turn to look back at me i would quickly have my face turned away reading the numbers on the buildings and mumbling to myself. He walked faster. And so did I. The man had nearly broken into a noticeable jog before i took pity and veered away towards another street. I certainly didn't want to scare him enough that he would confront me, lol.
I finally found Filene's and wandered inside only to encounter a mad house. The store was pretty much boiling over. They were have a huge blow out on name brand stuff from 50 -70% percent off. It was crazyness. I ended up buying some jumbo size Ralph Lauren Pillows for 4 bucks and a set of silver satin sheets. Why satin sheets? Well there's something really sleazy about satin sheets that has always appealed to me, lol. I would have bought red ones but that would have been a bit much don't you think? So i bought a set for 8 dollars.
Alicia and her friend needed to try on some clothing and because they had handed me a few dresses to try on as well i accompanied them. As we meandered towards the fitting rooms they told me that coming to Filene's and trying on clothes is an /experience/. I laughed and asked "why, is the fitting room communal"?
Oh my God they were! We walked into a large room that already held a large group of scantily clad and unclad women. The walls had mirrors all around and because many of the mirrors were warped one has to go from mirror to mirror to get an accurate view of what they are wearing. Or hell, ask the random girl standing behind you. Or in front of you. Or beside you.
Now, i'm not a prude. And most of my body consciousness has left me after that first horrific experience at boot camp. So i can strip down in locker rooms and whatnot just fine and i've taken group showers. So this should be no big deal eh?
It was amazing how difficult taking my shirt off was just to try on a simple dress. After a few minutes i was fine and could try on the other things normally and give my opinion on a dress to the girl standing behind me even.
Should i go back and try things on i'll be okay with it now that i know.
you ARE a total nut and I just love your wild imagination and your great writing skills. Actually, I just totALLY LOVE all of you!!!!! Crazy girl!!!!
You are so funny lol :)
I love that store by the way. I usually I hate shopping but Filene's Basement is so much fun! Ohh and the first time I walked into that dressing run OOHHHH MYYY GODDD!!!! I had the same reaction.. but see when I went there was a group of old ladies all around me.. naked and wrinkly lol. Peg "accidentally" forgot to warn me about that lol.
I'm glad you had fun though. We should hang out when Peg and I go on our vacation in Nov. :)
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