I have been going to church! I have gone to Mass every week since i've left home. Sure i've only been away from Florida for 2 weeks but hey its something isn't it. The first week here Alicia and Rich accompanied me to St. Lukes. We were very unimpressed. This sunday Alicia and i headed to a late service at St. Clement's Eucharist Shrine. Its absolutely gorgeous. The Mary Queen of the Universe Shrine is pretty and imposing but ultimately i don't find it as appealing as St. Clement's. Theres just something about walking down the city street with cars and building and people rushing past and then out of nowhere the Church appears. Awesome. I'm sure there are better shrines out there. Maybe i'll seek them out and decide which i like best. In fact i think i shall march myself down to the Harvard Divinity School and see if they need anyone to travel around inspecting the churches and blogging about them. Anyways, we went to Mass and it was pretty fantastic. Afterwards we walked down to a cafe to eat and bantered back and forth about religion and the other churches in the area we were going to try out. A guy heard us discussing the differences between religious services up here and what im used to down south and joined in. He recommended that we try a chapel at Boston College for Easter Mass. I think next week we're going to the St. Francis Chapel inside the Prudentil Center. A Roman Catholic chapel run by the Oblates of the Virgin Mary inside a mall. How cool is that?
Oh wow, they look amazing!
my favorite buildings in Europe are the cathedrals...absolutely beautiful and much like the ones in your photos
Awesome! I'm glad you are attending church. You will have to tour me thru them when I get there.
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