Because my grandpa yelled at me for not posting in days; here is my 4th of July entry just for him...
The holiday began innocently enough. We woke early and wandered down to the Esplanade, miles and miles of biking/walking whatever trails that hug the Charles River. The area was fairly empty when we got there but would soon be filling up as more people camped out for the fireworks display. Alicia and i slept for 2 hours by the water's edge which i must confess creeped me out. I was convinced that sitting too near that water was just inviting an alligator to jump out and drag me in. You can take the girl out of Florida but you can't take the Florida out of the girl.
We were eventually joined by a slew of Alicia's friends and others. They're an amusing bunch. I played Set (a card game) with Rich for awhile but the wind picked up and blew one of my vards into the river! Luckily a girl sitting near by dove for it and managed to grab it before it got too soaked. We decided to pack the game up after that, no telling where the cards would go next time.
I went for a walk and ended up in Chinatown and the theater district! It was pretty empty since everyone was either at the river or hiding from the rain that had started up. Also, no worrying, i did not wander into Chinatown by myself. There were other people with me. :)
When we made it back to the esplanade the rain was starting to pick up. We packed up our tent and walked to the nearest movie theater where we watched Transformers instead. The others were talking about how it had been some time since they had missed seeing fireworks. Me on the other hand, i dont care about the fireworks. We usually just watch them through the trees from the direction of the lakefront. I did miss lighting cheap snakey fireworks from Walmart with Cory and Cheo though. And burning smiley faces into cardboard. :(
Lots of love,
This was great!!!! I did not talk with your grandpa today, but I'm sure that if he read your message today, he must be filled with pride that you dedicated this to him.
Love ya bunches,
I like it!! Thanks for the update.
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