Or rather Alicia and Rich have moved and since i seem to have become a fixture in the house (like a lamp lol) i went with them. Its a great location out in Davis Square. I got hungry for some chocolate earlier and i went outside, walked for 30 seconds, went into a store, bought my chocolate, and 45 seconds later i was sittng on the floor with my laptop and my chocolate. Fantastico! In other moving news i have a meeting with some potential roommates tomorrow night. The apartment is also located in Davis and its abut a 3 minute walk from where im currently sleeping. I hope everything works out okay since im getting used to this area. Theres a bookshop on every corner! Awesomeness.
Also, the couch does not fit in the house so its currently standing up in the hallway blocking traffic. We literally squish ourselves past it trying to get thru. Alicia finally gave up and sat in the hallway.
Aah, all is right with the world again then: fast and easy access to chocolate.
What more could you ask for?
mmm chocolate
indeed what more is there
the couch should stay just where it is...a reminder of how valuable space is...lol
thats a nice couch, someone might steal it in the hallway, haha :)
Actually thats the Couch of Doom. Its very very comfortable though, i had been sleeping on it for the past 3 weeks
Chocolate???? I'm coming over!!!!
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