Friday, June 29, 2007

cough cough cough

I am sick! And am trying very hard to make sure that Alicia and Rich don't catch what i've got. Totally not cool for me to make them ill after they were nice enough to take me in, feed me, and entertain me. It would be bad form you know? So i'm popping pills, swigging water, and perusing Alicia's fantastic bookshelves. She has heaps of young adult stuff that i never read so im having fun devouring stuff i missed out on when i was younger.

I just finished Perks of Being a Wallflower.

And now the tylenol night cold stuff is kicking in...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And away you go...Do you miss home yet? Or is all to exciting still. I found a bag that was all black with a pink liner but the straps looked uncomforatble so the search continues...