Or a fighter pilot. President Roslin and Lt. Starbuck are the most bad ass women to grace my television set these days. They are awesome. I never bothered to watch Battlestar Galactica before because, frankly, i don't have the time or energy to devote to serial tv shows anymore. But because Friday is the season premier of BSG season 4, Alicia delivered unto me 2.5 seasons of the show and strict instructions to watch it all before her get together on Friday. So i fired up the ole dvd player and settled down to watch. And i love it. LOVE IT. I don't normally like space going shows (Firefly was more of a western!) but i can usually overcome my distaste for fission plates and nuclear reactors by strong female characters and well written story lines. In fact the only Star Trek show i watched was ST:Voyager because they had a female MEXICAN KLINGON as the chief engineer. A Mexican Klingon named Be'lanna Torres. Really how could i resist something like that?

As far as bad ass females go my last favorite died back in 2001. Poor Xena. She died horribly.

But little did i know she would be brought back to my tv as a CYLON (bad robot) in Battlestar. Oh the excitement!
In other exciting news i darned a hole in my sock this week instead of throwing it away. It looks pretty good. Aren't i turning into such a domestic goddess?
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