Saturday, October 27, 2007

Sorry Dad!

For many years my father has gotten on my case for making all the cups in the house vanish. Apparently they end up in my room, car, bathroom, and randomly spread across the living areas. So, when he would shake his head at me and voice his disapproval i of course would have to go on the defensive because its just a cup and seriously what is the big deal of having maaaybe 2 cups dirty at any given time. I was convinced that he was just exaggerating and looking to pick a fight with me.

There are 6 cups in my bedroom with different levels of water in them. Oh look glass 7 is in bed with me and sill has water in it.

Oops. My bad.


Anonymous said...

yes, indeed! certain things never change. See, if you want change, you should only keep one glass. This would force you to wash it all the time! LOL love, momma

Anonymous said...

Better late than never.....Iforgive you! Ha! I'm glad to see that you think of me once in a while.....

Love you! The King