Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Total failure

I'm terrible at keeping up with this blog. Sorry Abuelo! For those of you not in the know, i flew back to Florida last Friday, packed up my room, and then began driving Sunday with my mother, titi Amanda, and Margarita in tow.

Who is Margarita you ask?

Nobody really knows.

Lets just say that behind the mask of her lifeless blue eyes and painted smile lies the mind of a conniving little...flower.

Margarita quickly became master of the road in the 27 hours it took us to get safely to Boston.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I have a small collection of sheep. If i was a hardcore Puerto Rican they would be cows or elephants or roosters or maybe pilones. But i have sheep. I have acquired some salt and pepper shakers in the form of sheep. They rock.

Also, i still need to tell you about what happened in New York. More on that later. For now be content with the awesomeness that are my condiment containers.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I have returned!

From a dimension in which if you do not devour the books..the books devour YOU

Friday, August 10, 2007

And so!

I embark on my New Yorkian adventure. Me and a crate of chickens no doubt will be boarding one of the chinatown buses in about an hour and will be heading for the big city! I've got premium seats for Wicked on Broadway and hey if that show gets out early enough maybe we'll catch another while the night is still young. I shall return on Sunday.

Adios mi gente!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Hippie Goodness

One of the better experiences i had at UF was linking up with my dormmates Cristina, Liz, and Nisha. These girls were insane and were pretty much the key part of my freshman year. Cristina and I managed to meet up today for breakfast because she was on her way to visit her family after spending the summer as a lab rat in New York. I picked her up early at the airport (which means i can totally navigate the silver line baby!) and brought her back to Davis Square where we proceeded to eat, talk, and wander aimlessly through out the city. At one point we had stopped to play Brisca ( yes we are Puerto Rican) in a park in Trolley Square and while taking pictures a man stopped and asked if we wanted him to take our picture together. He said he only stopped to talk because he noticed my Jets cap.

Its been two years since last i saw Cristina and i've missed her terribly. We had a fantastic morning together. She's only been gone now for about 30 minutes and i'm already looking forward to the next time we meet. Even if she is a hippie.