Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Day 1

I picked up Aleta from the airport and dragged her back to my home where we dropped off her stuff changed into walking shoes/

We ended up on the Freedom Trail, got distracted by a shiny sign, and ended up donating blood. Aleta had not slept, we had not eaten, it was ridiculously hot, and we were involved in a strenuous activity. So of course it was a good day to get our blood sucked out.

We donated blood.

We started to walk and i found QUENEPAS in a little farmer's market! They WERE SO GOOD.

Then we walked a few miles, climbed up freaking 300 stairs into the Bunker Hill Monument.

I was starting to get woozy (she was too) so we walked down the 300 stairs and laid in the grass for awhile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heh, quenepas.