Thursday, April 22, 2010


This blog has quickly gone by the wayside which is sad.

I'll have to do better about updating this thing.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Christian Scientist Mother Church

Cheo and I visited The First Church of Christ, Scientist, which is The Mother Church and administrative headquarters of the Christian Science Church. We had no idea how big this place turned out to be, we were just wanting to see the Mapparium. The Mapparium is a three-story tall glass globe of stained glass that is viewed from a 30 foot long bridge through its interior. It made us want to play RISK.

Reflecting Pool

The Mother Church looked like something we would build playing Age of Empires. Cheo decided to pose triumphantly in front of it.


Cheo and I always manage to freak each other out when visiting religious locations. We blame it on a strange rite we witnessed back at St. Thomas Aquinas. So we scurried away from the Christian Science Center after the tour was over.

Summer's End

This will be the last weekend before Cheo starts school so we are trying to squeeze in a few diversions. I unfortunately have to work but if we get up early enough we'll get some things done. This summer we moved into our own place with practically nothing but after a crazy 4th of July weekend with my folks we had a fully furnished and equipped starter apartment. The weather finally got hot enough that required us to use fans. We made limbers and watched terrible movies into the wee hours of the morning. We've experimented in the kitchen and have pulled off more successful dishes than failures. We learned the art of farmers marketing and buying fruits and veggies for 2 weeks for under 10 bucks. We've traveled/walked all over Boston and ended up in Salem one day. Cheo got used to living without a car and I acquired muscular definition in my legs.

And today we found quenepas. Thats all we really needed to make the summer complete.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

There's A Puerto Rican Living In My House

How can you tell there's a Puerto Rican living in my home?

1. The tostonera dangling from the wall with the other utensils.
2. The pilón sitting on top of the fridge. Actually i have two of Benita's pilones sitting on my fridge.
3. The casita with a gallo hanging out on my sidetable.
4. The collection of homemade sofrito in my fridge and limbers in my freezer.
5. The HUGE Puerto Rican flag hanging in my living room.

Okay I'm just kidding about the flag. Soy boricua but flags as decoration is pretty charro.

No offense.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Cheo and i had hoped to rent a car and escape the city this weekend. But we failed to think that everyone else without a car would want to take advantage of the good weather and escape too. So no car for us. We ended up packing our bags and wandering off to Haymarket and look for quenepas. No quenepas. :( We did however find a sale on hiking backpacks and each picked one up. Cheo's bookbag at the moment doesn't hold up to the rainstorms and i've been using Juni's backpack from when he was 10. The bag is on its last legs and the zippers don't really work.

So we emptied our bags, rolled them up and stuffed them into the new hikingpacks. Then we headed off to a beach we could reach by train. The train broke down halfway there and we had to take a shuttle bus through the next 5 stops. Awesome.

I hear New England has some scenic beaches, but this isn't one them. There were a lot of people though so we wandered down the beach and away from the crowds. We looked like total bums with our sneakers dangling from our packs and towels strapped to the back. It was a relaxing day though. Cheo wanted to go see the Isle Belle marsh which is a salt water marsh conservatory so we walked a few miles through town till we found it. It looks a lot like the nature walk through Gatorland. Except without the alligators of course. Cheo is still jumpy about lakes/rivers/ponds and not trusting there isn't something lurking underneath (I am as well, but to a lesser degree) so we didn't get too close to the water.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Second Semester of Spanish Love Song!

I didn't know there was a part two!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I actually had to turn the fan on today. YAY! We're going to try and hit one of the beaches before the summer is out. I hear the Cape has pretty beaches. But considering im a Puerto Rican that has spent a lot of time playing in the Gulf of Mexico (and lets not forget my spring break on some secluded nude beaches in New Zealand) i don't know if i'm going to be terribly impressed. We'll see!